upcoming in 2025:
23-24 January - artist talk & workshop, Institut für Musik, Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg, University of Education, DE
14 February - workshop & lecture performance, ZKM / Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe, DE
6 March - artist talk, Braunstein Palace, German Cultural Center, Iasi, RO
7 March - solo exhibition, Borderline Art Space, Iasi, RO
curated by: Horațiu Lipot
4 April - Proximity Music, Rewire Festival, The Hague, NL
7-22 April - resident at AMRO, Research Lab, Linz, AT
24-26 April - workshop, Sound Days Festival, Liepaja, LV
27 April - 27 Mai - resident at iii, Instrument Inventors, The Hague, NL
23 June - 3 July - resident Coding Drops, Obsolete Studio, Qolony, Bucharest / Danube Delta, RO
28 December - talk, CCC, Der Chaos Computer Club, Hamburg, DE
18 December - Perikon Smelters - Solo Show. Labour Neunzehn, Berlin.
8-9 December - Sizzling Semiconductors + artist talk,
KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm
27 November - 16 December, Fluid Anatomy - Solo Show. singuhr projekte, Mein Blau Projektraum, Berlin, DE
26 September - 12 October -Perikon Smelters at Places of Care, production residency, Marginal, Dimitrie Leonida Technical Museum, Bucharest, RO
6 September - in performance, Entangled Sounds, KM28, Berlin, DE
1 September - Coquetta + in exhibition at Festival für selbstgebaute Musik, Berlin, DE
22 June - 04 August, group exhibition, ''Edges of the Graph Paper'', Zina Contemporary Art Gallery, Cluj-Napoca, RO
4 June - group exhibition, AfterLand, Qolony, Obsolete Studio, Rezidenta 9, Bucharest RO
3 - 9 June - Afterland, artistic research residency in Danube Delta, Qolony, Obsolete Studio, Culture Moves Europe
10 May - Screaming Minerals, Dum Uměni, Brno House of Arts, CZ
8-10 May - workshop Faculty of Fine Arts, Brno University of Technology
Brno, CZ
24-25 April - HEAD Geneve, workshop & performance ''Assembling Intelligence: Alternative Perspectives on AI through Art and Design'' Digital Pool and the Institut for Research in Art and Design
22 April - guest lecturer, Elektronischen Studios, Hochschule für Musik, Klassik, Basel, CH
20 April Coquetta, Performance, 2TageStrom, Kunstraum Walcheturm Zurich, CH
4 April - 15 July group exhibition '' Beyond the Sound'' curated by JiÅ™í Suchánek, Dum UmÄ›ni,Brno House of Arts, FAUN Festival, Czech Republic.​
​24 March - Lecture - Performance Screaming Minerals, The Frank-Ratchye STUDIO for Creative Inquiry, CMU, USA
22- 24 March - Guest Professor, The Frank-Ratchye STUDIO for Creative Inquiry,CMU, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburg, USA
16 March - Lecture-Performance, Screaming Minerals Vancouver New Music, Annex Vancouver, CA
11 - 16 March - Sizzling Semiconductors workshop
Vancouver New Music, Emily Carr University of Art + Design, CA
19 - 13 February - Guest Professor at Hfk, Hochschule für Künste Bremen
16 January - Guest Lecturer at ''IMALR-GT 302 Radical Networks''
NYU, Berlin
For the end of the year, Ioana is working on her fluidics research, supported by Recherchestipendien 2023 Bildende Kunst, Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa
01 -19 November - Rezidenta Scena9, group exhibition ''Tech's Rider Dilemma'', Marginal, Bucharest, RO
05 - 08 October - exhibition, workshop, lecture-performance
Simultan Festival XVIII, ''Oscillations, Things to Remember'', MX, Timisoara
7-10 September - lecture-performance, workshop at BIDFF Bucharest International Dance Film Festival, RO
31 August - 10 September - Klang Moor Schopfe, Biennales Festivalfür audiovisuelle Kunst im Hochmoor Gais, AR
21 – 22 July 2023 - Coquetta performed at the launch of UKI, Shu Lea Cheang, Las Art Foundation, Kranzler Eck
10-16 July - No School Nevers​, teacher, Nevers, FR
3-9 July - In residency & workshop at
Transmedia Research Institute, Fano, IT
16 June - 19 September group exhibition, Stimme erleben: Apparaturen – Maschinen – Aggregate Galerie Nord, Mitte, Berlin, DE
26 Mai - 10 June Sonic Narratives, production & exhibition SIMULTAN.org
8-28 May - In production, Sonoscopia, Porto, PT
27th May - performance ''Screaming Minerals'' Sonoscopia, Porto, PT
3-23 April - production Residency at SIMULTAN.org, Timisoara part of the @2023.timisoara Cultural Program
9 March - 14 May, in group exhibition, ''Promising Premises'', The Bärenzwinger, Berlin
1-3 March, hybrid workshop (electronics and fluidics) at Tangible Music Lab, University of Art and Design, Linz, AT
17 February solo show, FLUID MEMORY, Mono space, organized by SIMULTAN.org within the Progress. Paradigm Shifts project, part of the @2023.timisoara Cultural Program
30 January - Artist Talk: Pirouette Machines. Fluid Components CTM Festival, Supported by Shape+ , Silent Green, Kuppelhale, Berlin, DE
Ioana was supported in 2022 by NEUSTART KULTUR, Stiftung Kunstfonds
10 December - Artist Talk, Sonoscopia, Porto, PT
5-6 December - Harvester Bugs, electronic workshop at Kunsthochschule Kassel, Kassel, DE
22-23 November - Harvester Bugs, electronic workshop at Labor Neunzehn, Berlin, DE.
7-8 November - Sizzling Semiconductors. Politics of Parts electronic workshop at BEK, Bergen Centre for Electronic Arts, NO.
1-30 October - in research residency with ''Fluidic Computer'' at Atelierhaus Salzamt, Linz through Tangible Music Lab, and Grand Garage.
29-30 September - electronic workshop at
hrbst://session, Fem Power, Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle
22-25 September - in exhibition: KONTAKTE Festival, Biennale für Elektroakustische Musik und Klangkunst, Studio für Elektroakustische Musik, Akademie der Künste, Berlin, DE
18 September -27 November - in exhibition: Exercises in Reciprocity, Fondation Grantham, a collective exhibition showing Arboreal Receptors. curated by: Ji-Yoon Han, St-Edmond-de-Grantham (Quebec), CA
25-26 August - in workshop with Harvester Bugs: Simultan Festival, Timisoara, Ro.
17-19 August - in workshop with Tremorozauri: Culture Quest Residency, Asociatia Foc si Para, Centrul de Proiecte, Timișoara, RO
17.03 - 14.08, 2022. Fluid Memory in exhibition at FEEDBACK #6: Anti-Environment Marshall McLuhan and the arts, Fonderie Darling, Montreal
31 July - in exhibition: (in)tangible transmissions, Floating University in Berlin Kreuzberg
22 July - 30 September in exhibition: Off Season- Grand Hotel Prishtina, Manifesta 14
4-17 July - Teacher at NØ SCHOOL Nevers
2 July - "Neural Labyrinths – a performance installation"
Alberto de Campo, Hannes Hoelzl, Liz Allbee, Ioana Vreme Moser, Anne Wellmer; part of unexpected territories - David Tudor, Meinblau Projektraum, Berlin, DE
24 - 30 Mai - Incantatio Mundi, Arborea Receptors showcased at the Botanical Gardens of Iași, Romanian Creative Week. Romania.
19 Mai - Sizzling Semiconductors, electronic workshop, Mz*Baltazar’s Lab, Viena, AT
17 Mai - guest lecture Tangible Music Lab, University of Art and Design, Linz, AT
16 Mai - Artist lecture hybrid, Akademie der Bildened Kunste Wien, AT
11. April - guest lecture ‘‘Electronic Pirouettes, sound as movement in circuitry’’, Department of Digital Arts and Experimental Media -DXARTS, University of Washington, Seattle, USA
25. March - Ready Making Sound, group exhibition at Errant Sound, Berlin
17th. March - Rainforest IV klanginstallation David Tudor, Singuhr Projekte, Kirche St. Elisabeth. Berlin. DE
Coordinated by: Matt Rogalsky, Hans w. Koch.
with: Hanna Hartman, Michael Winter, Miki Yui, Zsolt Sörés, Ioana Vreme Moser, Jessica Ekomane, Robert Lippok
17th March to August 14th, 2022. Group exhibition FEEDBACK #6: Anti-Environment Marshall McLuhan and the arts, Fonderie Darling, Montreal,
23-27 February - Off-Season, Tourism Agency, group exhibition, Tranzit House, Cluj-Napoca. RO
Ioana was supported by a research-working grant from Ernste Musik und Klangkunst, Berlin, Senatsverwaltung fur Kultur und Europa.
7 December - ''Electronic Pirouettes, sound as dance in circuitry'' Artist talk at VAMH, Verband für aktuelle Musik, Hamburg
27-28 November - ''Clandestine Demodulators'' electronic workshop at Sonic Curiosities, Villa Curiosium, Berlin
17-27 November - Off-Season, Tourism Agency in group exhibition, Goethe Institut Bucharest, RO
30 October - site-specific sound work, production & exhibition,
Simultan Festival, Timisoara, RO
15 October - group exhibition, Off-Season, Boulevard, Tirana, AL
6 October - production& exhibition „sound spaces berlin – AUSSEN“, Singhur, ZK/U – Zentrum für Kunst und Urbanistik in Berlin-Moabit. DE
1 October - group exhibition Future Perfect #4, B5 Studio, Târgu-MureÈ™ Ro
21 August - workshop at Nuts and Bolts Berlin, Leibig 12, DE
10 July - 4fakultät - with Michela Pelusio, Hacklander / Hatam,
Ioana Vreme Moser, Pierre Bastien, Alexander Trattler, Artur Musalimov
28 June - 10 July NØ SCHOOL Nevers, FR
12/ 13 June- opening SONAR PARK, SONNENPARK LAMES, St. Pölten, AT
11 May Post-Muzica BRD Scena-9, Bucharest, RO / Enchanted Grove
3rd of March to 4th of July - sound piece: Soft pink Blush part of Daniela Huerta’s sound work “WOMEN PAINTING WOMEN”, MuseÄ— du Luxembourg, Paris, FR
Fluid Memory / 25 September – 6 December. Unboxing the Goodiepal Collection, National Gallery of Denmark, Copenhagen. DK
Elektronisch Zeichnen! / 6 December, workshop, Hamburger Bahnhof, Berlin, DE cancelled because of COVID19
4fakultät - Concert #15 / 28 November, sound performance, Kunsthaus Hamburg **Postponed for 2021
Off-Season Artist Residency / 5-25 October, Albania
NØ SCHOOL, iMal Brussels / 5-6 October
**Postponed for 2021
Virus Diary. Sound Drawings in collaboration with Dan Perjovschi
27 September - 3 October Simultan Festival, Timișoara, RO
Departures from the Sphere / Virtual exhibition / 29th August - 1st October / online
Departures from the Sphere / group exhibition / 17 September - 1st October, Franciscan Church, Cluj-Napoca, RO
Departures from the Sphere / group exhibition / Scientifica /
29 August - 6 September, Trieste, IT
Short Waves Festival, Hotel Europa / 21 August / performing Coquetta, Poznan PL
Electroacoustic Pancake preparation, workshop, Parallax Lab, Hybrid Lab
11.12 / Technische Universität Berlin - Universität der Künste Berlin, DE
Infernal Optical Sounders, workshop at Computational Art Classroom
26-27.11 / UDK / Universität der Künste Berlin, DE
Power Cage - Experimentalraum Aquarium, Fluid Memory, group exhibition
22.11 - 6.12.2019 / STATE studio, Büro Rix, Berlin, DE
Coquetta, Save Festival / 6.11 / Arma, Moscow, RU
Utopian Cities, Programmed Societies, Publication/ 07.11 /
Paint Brush Factory, Cluj RO.
dig:it Media Art Festival Arad / 11.10 / Art Museum Arad, kinema ikon.
co(art) - workshop: “Optical Sounders / an introduction in graphical, ornamental sound” / 10.10 / TimiÈ™oara, RO
Intonal Sounders, workshop & performance with children
03-06.10 / Simultan Festival, Timișoara
Metanatural Landscapes, group exhibition / 08.06 / Panke Gallery, Berlin
PAF-Performing Arts Festival / 30.05 / Panke Gallery, Berlin
Coquetta&talk at Native Instruments / 10.04 /Berlin
Drawn Sound and Optical Synthesis - workshop / 06.04 / Common Ground, Berlin
05.04 Coquetta live at Antimatter 2 with Franz de Waard, KM28, Berlin - fb. event
08.03 Coquetta live at IOX N.1 STWST, Stadtwerkstadtt, Linz - fb. event
Music Makers Hacklab, CTM Festival, STATE studio, performance at Hau2, Berlin
Coquetta - sound performance / Schiziophonia, Simultan Festival, Timișoara, RO
Èšiuitoare Infernale. Introducere în electronica simplă a oscilatoarelor făcute cu mâna, workshop, Sămbăta Sonoră, Modulab, Bucharest, RO
Coquetta, sound performance, Sâmbăta Sonoră, Teatrul Apollo 111, Bucharest, RO
Women Hack SFX, Sound Effects Seoul - 5th edition, group exhibition with Marla Hlady, Insook Bae, Wonjung Shin, Elico Suzuki, Ioana Vreme Moser; Alternative Art Space Loop Gallery, Seoul, KR
Coquetta, sound performance, Women Hack SFX, Channel 1969, Seoul, KR
Coquetta, Artist talk & Beauty Tehnologies, Alternative Art Space Loop, Seoul, KR
De Rerum Natura, sound performance at MAFA, Media Art Festival Arad, Natural Sciences Museum, Arad, RO
Coquetta, UNCERTAIN SOUNDS, sound performance,
Weisser Elephant Gallerie, Berlin, DE
STWST48x4 SLEEP, sleep sonata / sound performance at STWST48x4 Sleep, Stadtwerkstatt, Ars Electronica, Linz
Summer camp Attempts, Failures, Trials and Errors,Technical University, Oradea,
TeleMele, group exhibition, Flashback Displacements; Vodoo55, Berlin, DE
Sound performance, Panke Gallery, Sound Night 04, Berlin
group exhibition, Eigen + Art Lab, FEEDBACK #2: MARSHALL MCLUHAN & THE ARTS, Transmediale Berlin
Tête-ài-tête, radio AI duet, part of Kinema Ikon’s internet of ki(ok) exhibition, Museum of Art, Arad, RO
exhibition catalogue here / press
Mushusuu . radio soundperformance in duo with Klaas Hübner, Simultan Festival, 12th edition: Possible Futures, National Theater, TimiÈ™oara, RO
Zurkubuk . Nux Stridens, klangobjekt exhibited at Cinema, Media Art Arad Festival, 4th edition, Cinema Arta, Arad, RO
Earth Observatory Array Elements, Treak Cliff / Shift Register, production & design for Martin Howse, Jamie Allen, Treak Cliff Cavern, UK
Part of Group Lab, sound performance conducted by Marek Choloniewski,
Plivka, Kiev, UA
Vox Electronica, ESEM studio, lecture & sound performance with Electroakkordion in duo with Yury Bulka, Lviv, UA
Plejrek release on DVD at Audiomat, Bunkier Stuki Gallery, Krakow, PL
Kairotoskope installation at Artificial, Ambasada, Timișoara, RO
Lazeadaisical, video&object at DADADA Media Art Festival, 3th edition, Museum of Art, Arad, RO
Audiokineza, lecture at Akademia Muzyczna w Krakowie, Studio for Electroacoustic Music, Krakow, PL
InnerSound, New Arts Festival, The Ark, Bucharest, RO
Invade / Evade, propagation of disturbances, collective exhibition (graduation exhibition) Timco halls, Timișoara, RO
Dada Obsession - installation, interactive book object, Aethernativ cafe, Timișoara
Feautured on Those Who Make Waves
Artă, Tradiție, Generații - group exhibition - Triade gallery, Timișoara, RO
Kairotoskope prototype N.3, animated waves - interactive sound installation, AudioArt Festival Krakow, Bunkier Sztuki Gallery, Krakow, PL
K. prototype N.2, Kompot, Re|<olta-Plejrek / installation works, audio performance, Simultan Festival 11th edition, Timișoara, RO
K. prototype N.1 - installation work, Schmiede Werkschau, Hallein, AT
initiator of Re|<olta group labs, exploratory electro-acoustic music-sounds, Krakow - Lviv - Timișoara, PL - UA - RO
30/30, Price for the best 2015 Music Album Covers, exhibition - Arsenal Gallery, Poznan, PL
2014 - Spaces of Uncertainty - collective exhibition, Barcsay Terem Gallery, Budapest, HU
Trans-dimensional Railway - collective exhibition, Pygmalion Gallery, Timișoara
2013 - Waiting Spaces #II. Public Space Interventions - collective installation work - video work, Simultan Festival & h.arta group, Timișoara, RO
2012 - organizer, Nauhaus Festival, edition 1. - Fine Arts School, Timișoara
Synesthesia ad libitum - collective audio-visual performance - Cuib de Arte Cafe, Timișoara, RO
2008 - Three Generations - collective exhibition, Pygmalion Gallery, Timișoara
1999 - Three Generations - collective exhibition, Art Gallery, Timișoara
2013/2016 - B.A degree in Fine Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts and Design, Graphics Department, Timișoara
2014/2015 - scholarship at the Faculty of Intermedia, Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts Krakow
2006/2013 - Fine Arts School - graphics department, Timișoara